Make sure your business is compliant and your employees are safe. Use your workplace health and safety (OH&S) services to assess and support your existing OH&S practices to help you improve your processes and deliver a first-class safety management system for your business and team. Workplace wellbeing relates to how your employees feel about themselves and their work. Workplace wellbeing aims to ensure that your employees are not only safe but healthy, satisfied, and engaged.

Call us today on 1300 208 828


OH&S Audit and Review (OH&S Act)

Be sure every aspect of your workplace health and safety (OH&S) is compliant. Our team conducts on-site audit inspections and stakeholder interviews to identify areas of non-compliance or concern, then provides recommendations and support to remedy and reduce risk for your business.


OH&S Management Systems (ISO45001)

Make sure your business understands what’s required with our tailored OH&S service. Our team can design a comprehensive range of OH&S policies & procedures for your business.  The design of the system reflects each individual organisation but delivers practical and vital documents when making business, safety, quality & environmental decisions.


Injury Prevention Services

No one running a business wants their employees being injured. We can help you develop a robust prevention strategy in line with OH&SOH&S laws and industry regulations helping your business stay compliant while your team are kept safe.


OH&S and Wellbeing Training and Programs

For compliance purposes we can help you deliver tailored OH&S and Wellbeing training to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of your team and your business. e.g., manual handling or mental health.


Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

If you are committed to supporting the mental wellbeing of your employees then an EAP can benefit your organisation by providing your employees with dedicated external professional counselling for personal and/or work-related problems that may impact their job performance, health, mental and emotional well-being.


Director and Officer Duty of Care

Directors have a legal duty to implement and monitor systems which ensure safe working conditions in their workplaces as far as reasonably practical. In nearly all Australian jurisdictions, there is an obligation on directors to exercise due diligence in relation to OH&S.

 Our Packages

We offer a range of packages from one-off piece of work or project all the way to providing you with a full outsourced HR solution always tailored to your needs.